
Level 4.0. A new DIH operating in the capital of Lower Silesia

We are happy to announce to the world that the Wroclaw-based consortium Level 4.0. has joined the ranks of Digital Innovation Hubs supporting digital transformation. Our project was one of the five awarded in the prestigious contest held by the then Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology (currently Minister of Development), from as many as 42 applying projects from across the whole country.

Level 4.0. are the joint forces of 5 renowned expert entities: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Balluff Sp. z o.o, TestArmy Group S.A., and Wroclaw Technology Park, that came together to acquire the authorized Digital Innovation Hub status. Since then, our common goal has been to disseminate practical knowledge about technologies of Industry 4.0. and to support Polish entrepreneurship in reaching a higher level of innovation.

We are proud and motivated to work in synergy, with the aim of developing innovation and accelerating our country’s economic growth. We invite all those with open minds and ambition to take part in our events and to check what’s new on our channels.

The project is realized in the framework of the contest “Standaryzacja usług hubów innowacji cyfrowych dla wsparcia cyfrowej transformacji przedsiębiorstw” (Standardasing services provided by digital innovation hubs to support digital transformation of companies) organized by the Ministry of Economic Development within the 2019-2021 program called „Industry 4.0”.